Penghargaan &

Tahun 2024

  • Cedant Terbaik 2024 Kategori Modal > 500 M – 1 T: MAIPARK AWARD (20 Juni 2024)

Tahun 2023

  • Premium Indonesia Public Company: Marketeers (7 Desember 2023)
  • Cedant Terbaik 2023 Kategori Modal > 500 M – 1 T: MAIPARK AWARD (28 November 2023)
  • Indonesia Best Insurance Award 2023: Warta (27 September 2023)
  • General Insurance Market Leaders Award 2023: Media Asuransi (27 Juli 2023)
  • Indonesia Digital Customer Engagement Champion in Services Industry 2023: SWA Indonesia (27 Juli 2023)

Tahun 2022

  • Best Corporate Secretary in General Insurance Industry 2022: The Iconomics (16 Desember 2022)
  • Cedant Terbaik Pemenang I Kategori B: MAIPARK AWARD (November 2022)
  • Top 100 CEO dianugerahkan kepada Presiden Direktur LippoInsurance, Agus Benjamin : Infobank Top 100 CEO & The Leaders Forum 2022 – Majalah Infobank
  • The Next Top 200 Leaders dianugerahkan kepada Direktur LippoInsurance, Gilbert Deddy Naibaho : Infobank Top 100 CEO & The Leaders Forum 2022 – Majalah Infobank
  • ISO 9001:2015 : Operation of Health Services (2022-2025)
  • Best General Insurance 2022 : Media Asuransi (6 Oktober 2022)
  • Market Leader General Insurance 2022 : Media Asuransi (1 September 2022)
  • Winning Customer’s Hearts in the Fast-Changing Era : Indonesia Sales & Customer Experience Champions Conference 2022 (9 Agustus 2022)
  • Financial Performance Full-Year 2021 With Predicate ‘EXCELLENT’ : 23rd Infobank Insurance Award 2022 (28 Juli 2022)

Tahun 2021

  • ISO 27001:2013 : Information Security Management System of Internal Data Center Infrastructure Operations, as Per SOA no. LGI/QA-011 (30 April 2021)
  • 2nd Indonesia Most Innovative Insurance Company Awards in 2021 : The Iconomics Awards 2021
  • Financial Performance Full-Year 2020 With Predicate ‘EXCELLENT’ : Infobank 22nd Insurance Awards 2021
  • Market Leaders 2021 General Insurance : Media Asuransi – 2021 Insurance Market Leaders Award
  • Best Insurance 2021 with Great Financial Performance and Digital Platform Innovation : Warta Ekonomi – Indonesia Best Insurance Awards 2021

Tahun 2020

  • Cedant Terbaik Pemenang III Kategori B (Kelompok Perusahaan Asuransi Umum dengan modal di antara 500M-1T Rupiah): MAIPARK AWARD
  • Market Leader General Insurance 2020 : Media Asuransi – Insurance Market Leader Award 2020
  • Top 3 Best Digital Innovation General Insurance : ThinknovateComm, Pikiran Rakyat – The 2nd Indonesia Insurance Innovation Award 2020
  • Best 5-months Stock Performance, Sub-sector Insurance : Warta Ekonomi – The Most Valuable Company Award 2020

Tahun 2019

  • TOP 5 Financial Performances for Insurance Company with assets between 2-3T: Warta Ekonomi, 6th Indonesia Best Insurance Award 2019
  • Top Governance, Risk & Compliance: GRC Summit 2019
  • Top 10 Most Trusted Insurance Companies: Category General Insurance – Indonesia Insurance Innovation Award 2019 (GATRA & ThinknovateComm)
  • Best Innovation on General Insurance – Indonesia Innovation Award 2019 (APTIKNAS, BISKOM, RISTEKDIKTI)
  • Peringkat II Asuransi Umum Konvensional – Infobank 8th Digital Brand Awards 2019
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Operation of Health Services (2019-2022)
  • Market Leader General Insurance 2019 – Media Asuransi

Tahun 2018

  • Top 5 Prestige Brand in: Travel InsuranceHome and Property Insurance, dan Business Insurance – Indonesia Prestige Brand Award 2018
  • Most Innovative Business 2018 – Warta Ekonomi Award 2018
  • 3rd Best Performing General Insurance Company 2018 – National Re
  • Best Financial Performance 2018, Category Asset Rp.1,5-2,5T – Warta Ekonomi, Insurance Consumer Choice
  • 4th Best General Insurance Indonesia 2108 – Economic Review
  • Top 5 GCG Issues in Insurance Sector – Warta Ekonomi , Indonesia Corporate Secretary Award 2018
  • Top General Insurance Bidang Manajemen Strategi Pertumbuhan Bisnis 2018 – BusinessNews
  • Top General Insurance 2018, Asset Rp1-2,5T – BusinessNews
  • Top CEO General Insurance 2018 – BusinessNews
  • Insurance Top Leader Award 2018 – Warta Ekonomi

Tahun 2017

  • Brand Used Most Often: Travel Insurance – Indonesia Prestige Brand Award 2017
  • Top Producer & Rookie of The Year – The 7th MAIPARK Award
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Operation of Health Services & Operation of Non Health Services
  • Top Insurance 2017 – Majalah BusinessNews Indonesia
  • The Most Powerful Company 2017, Category: Insurance – Warta Ekonomi Awards
  • The Corporate Reputation 2017, BusinessNews TOP Capital Market 2017
  • Warta Ekonomi – Indonesia Corporate Secretary Award 2017, Top 5 GCG Issues in Insurance Sector

Tahun 2016

  • Indonesia Best Company in Creating Leaders from within 2016 – SWA Magazine

Tahun 2015

  • Best General Insurance – Media Asuransi Magazine
  • Asuransi Yang Berpredikat “Sangat Bagus” Atas Kinerja Keuangan Selama 2014 – Infobank Insurance Awards 2015
  • Perusahaan Asuransi Terbaik – Penghargaan Bisnis Indonesia
  • The Best II General Insurance – Economic Review Magazine

Tahun 2014

  • The Best Public Listed General Insurance Company 2014 – Indonesia Insurance Award
  • Best of The Best Human Capital – Indonesia Insurance Award – Living Legend Company Award 2014 – Warta Ekonomi
  • Asuransi Yang Berpredikat “Sangat Bagus” Atas Kinerja Keuangan Selama 2013 – Infobank Insurance Awards 2014

Tahun 2013

  • The Best Public Listed General Insurance Company 2013 – Indonesia Insurance Award 2013 – Majalah Economic Review
  • Asuransi Yang Berpredikat “Sangat Bagus” Atas Kinerja Keuangan Selama 2012 – Infobank Insurance Awards 2013

Tahun 2012

  • The Best Public Listed General Insurance Company 2012 dengan asset diatas Rp. 500 Miliar – Rp. 1 Triliun – Indonesia Insurance Award 2012 – Majalah Business Review
  • The Best Visionary CEO dianugerahkan kepada Presiden Direktur LippoInsurance, Agus Benjamin – Indonesia Insurance Award 2012 – Majalah Business Review
  • The Best Insurance and Service Excellent Of The Year – Indonesia Best Of The Best Award 2012
  • Service Star Award kategori Service Star For Manager sebagai “The Most Inspiring Manager” dianugerahkan kepada Claims Health Manager LippoInsurance, Maria Natalia – The National Customer Service Championship 2012

Tahun 2011

  • Best General Insurance Company 2011 dengan Ekuitas Rp. 250 – Rp. 750 Miliar – Insurance Award 2011 – Majalah Media Asuransi

Tahun 2010

  • Good General Insurance Company dengan Ekuitas Lebih Dari Rp. 200 Miliar – Insurance Award 2010 – Majalah Media Asuransi
  • ISO 27001:2013 : Information Security Management System of Internal Data Center Infrastructure Operations, as Per SOA no. LGI/QA-011 (30 April 2021)
  • 2nd Indonesia Most Innovative Insurance Company Awards in 2021 : The Iconomics Awards 2021
  • Financial Performance Full-Year 2020 With Predicate ‘EXCELLENT’ : Infobank 22nd Insurance Awards 2021
  • Market Leaders 2021 General Insurance : Media Asuransi – 2021 Insurance Market Leaders Award
  • Best Insurance 2021 with Great Financial Performance and Digital Platform Innovation : Warta Ekonomi – Indonesia Best Insurance Awards 2021

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